We are now in the middle of the 2nd term. Several MSc students joined LAIV in January, and already started to present their projects at LAIV Seminars. The seminars run weekly, and feature invited talks, as well as student talks. Past LAIV talks are available on our YouTube page. We always welcome external visitors and collaborators, the seminar page explains how to join the seminar series.
Youtube Channel for LAIV/AISEC
As part of the AISEC grant activities, we have launched a Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuYLyAKf2mEq4ZSvMfwbfIg/featured) featuring speakers from LAIV Seminars. Subscribe to the Youtube channel or drop in to LAIV seminars: http://laiv.uk/laiv-seminars/
LAIV MSc students — First class results!
Many congratulations to all LAIV MSc students in the 2019-20 cohort: Alexandre, Bartosz, Dorian, Fraser, Hugo, Marco, Vincent for getting A-marks for their MSc dissertations!
Ali and Katya gave two talks at PPDP’20 this week: Proof-Carrying Plans: a Resource Logic for AI Planning and Continuous Verification of AI: a Declarative Programming Approach, covering two main blocks of AI methods: for modelling reasoning and perception.
APLAS’20 publication by the LAIV team
Many congratulations to Wen, Katya, Daniel, David and Bob for having their paper Neural Networks, Secure by Construction: An Exploration of Refinement Types accepted for publication and presentation at APLAS’20 (the 18th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems) !!!
PPDP’20 publication by LAIV team
Many congratulations to Alasdair Hill, Katya Komendantskaya and Ron Petrick for having the paper Proof-Carrying Plan Logic: a Resource Logic for AI Planning accepted for publication and presentation at PPDP’20!
Kirsty Duncan’s talk at IJCNN is now on Youtube!
Kirsty’s upcoming IJCNN’20 talk is now on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr08XUU89fk&feature=youtu.be
Great job, Kirsty!
Summer conferences
Workshop on Logic Programming
We are organising a workshop on Trends, Extensions, Applications and Semantics of Logic Programming and 28-29 May 2020. We invite participants to check out pre-recorded talks and join live discussions: https://www.coalg.org/tease-lp/.
New Project and Vacancies
We are starting a big, multi-site and multi-million project on AI verification in September 2020! The project AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by Construction is funded by EPSRC, and will investigate novel methods of AI verification in Autonomous vehicles and conversational agents. We are looking for Research assistants and PhD students: see http://laiv.uk/index.php/vacancies/