New LAIV members

We welcome several new members to LAIV team: the new cohort of MSc students: Alexandre, Marco Vincent, to work on topics in Neural Net verification, and Wen Kokke (from Edinburgh University) as an RA in the Neural Networks with Security Contracts grant.

LAIV’s first research grant

We are very proud to announce the first successful research funding bid by LAIV team: NCSC-funded research project SecCon-NN: Neural Networks with Security Contracts — towards lightweight, modular security for neural networks. Funded as part of NCSC “Security for AI” call.

LAIV’s first MSc Cohort finishes MSc studies

LAIV MSc students Pierre, Pascal and Daniel have just finished their MSc, with Master Theses on Neural Net verification, scoring 85%, 85% and 95% respectively, and the Best Dissertation Award for the latter. Congratulations and very well done! Good luck with your further studies, research and careers! And welcome to your PhD in LAIV group, Daniel!

PhD Viva Success

Many congratulations to Yue Li for passing his PhD Viva today with minor corrections. The title of his thesis is:

“A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Coinduction in Horn Clause Logic” 

Yue was supervised by Katya Komendantskaya and Mark Lawson. His External Examiner was John Power (University of Bath). 

Success of LAIV MSc student Pierre Le Hen

Many congratulations to LAIV MSc student Pierre Le Hen who secured a place to do a Masters specialising in Management of Systems Information at ESSEC:

The positions are highly competitive, so well done Pierre and hope you have a great career ahead of you!

Big Proof Conference in Edinburgh

The Second Big Proof event has started today in Edinburgh, following its first edition at Cambridge in 2017. A number of LAIV members are participating, Katya is giving a talk on LAIV’s experience in Neural net verification.

First Scottish Summer School on Programming Languages and Verification

First Scottish Summer School on Programming Languages and Verification is now announced. LAIV supported this initiative in a number of ways: Katya Komendantskaya serves in the steering committee as one of the main organisers, and Rob Stewart is going to give a course on Domain Specific Languages. This school is highly recommended to all PhD students, as well as strong MSc students and Early Career researchers. Industrial participants and sponsors are very welcome.