EPSRC-funded project: AISEC — AI Secure and Explainable by Construction, will run from September 2020 to December 2023.

The project spans several subjects: type theory, automated and interactive theorem proving, security, AI and machine learning, autonomous systems, natural language processing and generation, legal aspects of AI. It will cover two main application areasautonomous cars and chatbots, drawing from expertise and infrastructure provided by industrial partners working in these two areas. AISEC has a significant international span, with 12 partners from Academia and Industry in Europe (France, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway) and the US. Researchers joining this project will have excellent opportunities to travel to international conferences, organise scientific events, spend time with industrial partners, collaborate with academic leaders in the field, develop their own research profiles as well as gain experience in other AI and CS disciplines. 

For full details on the project’s agenda, partners, members, news see AISEC’s own webpage.